For my final project I decided to create a plan to further my study of Africa. Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), is one issue in Africa that I am concerned about. Learning about the harmful consequences that occur with this practice is ridiculous. I think that it is a horrible practice that shouldn't be done, because I feel it violates the human rights of women. Though my plan I hope to take part is gettting rid of this horrible practice.
Part of my plan is to take a trip to Africa. It would be very expensive to visit all the counties, so I chosen just to visit Senegal and Gambia. FGM is banned in Senegal and not in Gambia. So I am very interested in learning how it is banned in one country and not the other with them being neighbouring countries. While there I plan to visit various villages in each country and conduct interviews with key community leaders, religious leaders, chiefs and others. I also want to interview women who have had the procedure done and those who have not. I think it would help my study alot to hear how they feel about it and how it affected their lives.
Besides interviewing I will also conduct surveys. Prior to taking my trip I want to survey various people here in American and find out what they think about the practice and what they think should be done. Through these surveys I will get an idea of how many people in America actually know about FGM. I know that there will be people who are not well educated on the issue, so I will use that as an opportunity to educate them.
I'm planning to take my trip on March 7-22 of next year. The total cost of my trip will be approximatly $6,000. That is a pretty high expense but I've thought of some ways to help pay for the trip. Of course having fundrasier is one way, I'll also call/write letter to different corporations, family and friends. I know that some corporations have special programs to help individuals or groups with special missions. I may seem like alot but I think it is possible to raise a nice about to help with my expenses.
After I complete my study and trip I plan on starting a organization to help fight against FGM. The mission of my organization will be to fight against FGM until a change comes. I will develop ways to educate US families as well as those in Africa on the harmful consequences of FGM. With the information that I learned, I will organize community presentations to help generate interest. One way to help my organization prosper will be to work with other organizations/programs with the same objectives. I want to do what ever I can to end this practice.