Our class discussion on Tuesday really had me thinking about how horrible slavery was. Reading King Leopold's Ghost, opened my eyes to an aspect of slavery that I had never knew. There are so many things in this book that I couldn't even believe. It hurt me to read some of the passages that were so graphic and in detail. One passage that got to me was the one on pg.132. Reading how they were dragged from their houses and were beatened, starved and had their babies thrown into the grass to die, painted an image in my mind that I will never forget.
After reading the first one hundred pages of the book, I had realized that King Leopold was a greedy man. Now that I have finished the book I just can't believe how greedy he was. The rubber boom in the Congo was great in Leopold's eyes, because he saw it as a way for him to get out of debt. However, the whole system of collecting the rubber was horrible. Even though he didn't make hostage-taking as an policy, it turned out to be. The other horrible aspect of his rubber system was the severed hand policy. When I read how this policy worked I was just stunned. It hurt me to see how those Africans had to suffer and die because of greed.
George Washington Williams, was one person that I thought was as a good man during this time. What I like about him was the fact that after he witnessed what was going on in the Congo he tried his best to bring it to the attention of everyone. His Open Letter to me was a cry for help that was ignored, because of how prosperous the Congo was.
Like I said before, after reading this book I have a whole new aspect on slavery. I have learned alot about what happened, that I had never knew. I more than likely would have never known about it if I had not taken this course. It's sad to know that their are alot of other people who don't really know about slavery from this aspect, because it is not taught as an important part of history. I glad I had the opportunity to read King Leopold's Ghost.