This was my first time reading Things Fall Apart. I think it is an awsome novel that was greatly written. There were a few characters in this novel that stood out or grabbed my attention. I really enjoyed Okonkwo, I was really intrigued me seeing how much he really resented be like his father Unoka. I feel it was an internal fear that stuck with him throughout his life, and he did whatever he could to steer away from it. Because he wanted to be seen as this strong and successful man, to me he was more of an intimidator to his wives and children. I was really shocked when he killed Ikemefuna because he didn't want to be seen as weak. It did take a toll on him after the fact because he did consider him as his son, even though he didn't really show it. In the end I feel his fear is what played a role in his death.
Nneka is another character whose story got my attention. I was glad that she had joined the christians. I was amazed that she had four pregancies and child births, and each time she had twins they were thrown out. That is a feeling I believe no woman would want to live through. So it was a great sign of relief for her not to having to deal with the pain of losing her babies anymore.
The Marriage ceremonies with bride prices was also interesting to me. It takes a great deal to meet the bride prices. Here in America we have it easy compared to the Ibo tradition. They have to present something to just about everyone in the brides family. I just thought it was unique how their marriage ceremonies went. http://www.oraifite.com/culture-and-traditions/igbo-marriage.php
1 comment:
Taleah, Nice post!
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