There was so many points in this book that focused on the struggles of women like women voting, polygamy, religion, and political aspects. It was cool to read about these points through the lives of the women who lived through those struggles. At first it took me a minute to get into the book, because it was hard to follow what character was who. Reading about the things that these went through was amazing. There was a few parts that really stuck out to me.
Hawa is one character that caught my attention, mainly because of the steralizing of women. It was hard to believe that they were steralizing women without them even knowing it. What hurt me about Hawa was that eventhough she may have had six children she had lost three and she was steralized. The whole steralizing of women was just crazy to me because that was not fair to the women.
Asana's marriage was also interesting to me. It was shocking to read how her husband was beating her while she was pregnant. To me her husband was a coward anyway because of the way he treated his wives. When he got the Xala he wasn't so tough then and he had the nerve to get rid of Asana and what was interesting is that she wasn't even the one who gave it to him. It was one of the other wives who gave it to him, she was helping out Asana. That was a powerful scene to me. After reading this book it opened my eyes to the struggles that women through.
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