In Ancestor's Stones the gold mining scene was a memorable scene. Hawa explained what was going on at the gold mine when the workers went on strike. The workers striked after finding out how much the gold was really worth and what they were being paid. I mean this was a serious strike, those workers was very upset. This shows that gold mining in Sierra Leone was important.

Some of the world's most valuable diamond mines can be found in Sierra Leone. Mining and diamonds have been their
economic base. In the 1970's and early 1980's the economic growth rate slowed because of the decline in the mining sector. Sierra leone's formal economy was destroyed by the country's civil war. Most of the civil war fighting was brough about by the control of the mines. So this raises a question in my mind, was the mining and diamond resouces a curse or a blessing for the country? Since the war mining in Sierra Leone is back up and running.
Mining in South Africa has been an economic advantage for Africa. According to wikipedia the profitable mining in South Africa develop when Erasmus Jacobs discovered a diamond along the Orange River. In 2002, South Africa accounted for 15% of the world's gold production. the
De Beers Consolidated Mines Company controls much of South Africa's sources of Diamonds. So South Africa's success with gold mining turned out to be beneficial for Africa.
my vote is diamonds are a curse
What an interesting YouTube -- on the computer I am using I wasn't able to hear the sound. I'll try again.
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