This was a very interesting article to read. You would think that oil would be a natural resouce tha would help Africa, instead it turned out to be everything but good for the country. It was crazy to read how Nigeria has been corrupted by oil. The oil industrys came in and took over, not even taking into consideration of the living conditions of the people. The oil industry took a devastaing toll over the people, because before they came atleast they could survive. Now its hard for them to even get food. When I read that the government documented 6,817 oil spills between 1976-2001, I couldn't believe it that is alot of oil spills. It seems that Africa has never been in control of their natural resources. First the Europeans now the oil boom has corrupted the country.
When I read about how oil has corrupted the country, all I can think about is Selfishness. It's like no one cares about the people suffering from the oil industry all they care about is attaining wealth. In Nigeria, I believe the people had no choice if they wanted to survive they had to turn to the corruption of the oil industry to live. Life has they knew it was taken away other ways of survival had to kick into play. My hope is that one day Africa's natural resouces will work in their favor and help the country to become prosperous.
1 comment:
Nice post, and amazing video
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